Apr 9, 2016

Our new website is finally online!

Our new website is finally online!
Sketchup texture become an CLUB 

It has been a very demanding work that required a lot of time, and it was not easy to plan, organize, and think of everything, but finally, here we are!

our news website sketchup texture

The creation of this web site, is a natural consequence, which arises from the need to:

better safeguard our materials.
Since many blogs and facebook pages, have illegally copied all of our content, uploading them on their sites and passing them off as their content, copying our form, and our logo, in an obvious attempt to impersonate us, we had to resort to obligatory registration. This does not save us from internet pirates and by those who live annuity exploiting the work of others, but certainly allows us to better safeguard our materials;

better organize all the available material,
because with the blog we have many limits. In particular as regards the storage of files. Given the amount of materials, today we need to have our virtual warehouse in which to store all the material, present and future;

make the site navigation easy and professional

for all those who are looking for textures or other specific materials. All our materials are improved and rebuilt, and today, many textures, are also available in high resolution.

At this link , you will find useful information for understanding how to best utilize the site as it works, and what are the options you have.
We have to load still many textures, currently lack the texture of fabrics and carpets and a part of the texture of tiles, which will load a little at a time over the next few days, but are available now about 50,000 new textures, all seamless. in medium and high resolution
We have yet load many of the 3d models, which are still currently-available on our blog, being very large files, this operation takes a long time, so will be uploaded a little at a time, day by day.

Offer a broad international view for top CG artists and designers
to promote their artworks through the section " 3D ARCHVIZ" and "3D MODELS" , 
2 international portals that wants to thrust excellences in our Community.
For the best CG Artists, it will be really a great opportunity to be present. The portals are supported and sponsored by the most famous Italian design companies, and will become an international point of reference, thanks to the action of marketing's to which the site will be subject.

We're always refining our services to encounter all kind of professional requirements. 
Every suggestions and counsel will be keep in consideration. Meanwhile we would thank all of you for your time and participation.

We wish you good work and good surfing.
Welcome to your new CG Community!

Sketchup texture Club Admins

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