Showing posts with label BACKGROUNDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BACKGROUNDS. Show all posts

Nov 14, 2017

Handsome free backgrounds avenues with autumnal trees

To finish the new set of autumn backgrounds, could not miss the autumn avenues, captured when the leaves are turning yellow, and the foliage of the trees, are tinged with warm gradations ranging from green to orange to red giving us images that only nature can paint.

In the Backgrounds / Landscapes web site section / sub folder CITY & TOWNS, are available, new very handsome backgrounds avenues with autumn trees, photographed in Italy in this week
The images can be found at the bottom of the page, as they follow the order of publication (the new ones are always at the bottom)

Format:   JPEG
resolution 72 d.p
size: pixel 1600 x 900 for free account
size pixel  5344 x 3008 for Club Member

NOTE : clicking on the link you will be redirected to our website,  For download our textures and backgrounds,  you need to register. The registration involves sending User Verification via email with Activation link. Before you start downloading, please read our Terms of Use

New fascinating Autumn sunrises and sunsets backgrounds

This week we took advantage of the fall season to photograph new wonderful backgrounds that Mother Nature offers us this time of year.
The sky, both at dawn and at sunset, is painted with enchanting and surreal colors.
It happens every year, but the charm of these skies is always irresistible

In the Backgrounds / Landscapes web site section, sub folder SUNRISES & SUNSETS, are available, new fascinating Autumn sunrises and sunsets for your backgrounds, photographed in Italy in November 2017
The images can be found at the bottom of the page, as they follow the order of publication (the new ones are always at the bottom)

Format:  JPEG
resolution 72 d.p
size: pixel 1600 x 900 for free account
size pixel  5344 x 3008 for Club Member

NOTE : clicking on the link you will be redirected to our website,  For download our textures and backgrounds,  you need to register. The registration involves sending User Verification via email with Activation link. Before you start downloading, please read our Terms of Use

New country landscapes with fall trees backgrounds

In the Backgrounds / Landscapes web site section, in the sub folder Nature > Countrysides & Hills, are available, new great country landscapes with fall trees backgrounds, photographed in Italy in November 2017.

The images can be found at the bottom of the page, as they follow the order of publication (the new ones are always at the bottom)
Format:  JPEG
resolution 72 d.p
size: pixel 1600 x 900 for free account
size pixel  5344 x 3008 for Club Member

NOTE : clicking on the link you will be redirected to our website,  For download our textures and backgrounds,  you need to register. The registration involves sending User Verification via email with Activation link.  Before you start downloading, please read our Terms of Use

New autumnal country landscapes photographed in Italy

In the Backgrounds / Landscapes web site section, in the sub folder NatureCountrysides & Hills, are available, new fantastic Autumnal country landscapes, photographed in Italy in this week.
The images can be found at the bottom of the page, as they follow the order of publication (the new ones are always at the bottom)

Format:  JPEG
resolution 72 d.p
size: pixel 1600 x 900 for free account
size pixel  5344 x 3008 for Club Member

NOTE : clicking on the link you will be redirected to our website,  For download our textures and backgrounds,  you need to register  the registration involves sending User Verification via email with Activation link. Before you start downloading, please read our Terms of Use

Aug 25, 2017

Free Sunrise summer skies backgrounds pack 2

New Free pack Only for Club members

15 photo of sunrise summer skies whit countryside background, high resolution
Size: pixel 5344 x 3008 - resolution 72 Dp
Photographed by us,  in northern Italy, this morning, August 24, 2017, between 6.30 am and 7.30 am.

Thank you very much for your support!

NOTE : clicking on the link you will be redirected to our website,  For download these textures,
you need to register as a Club member.

Sunrise summer skies backgrounds pack 2 preview

Aug 14, 2017

Free pack high resolution rugby backgrounds

NEW FREE PACK whit 13 High resolution rugby backgrounds, In jpg format - Pixels 5344 x 3008, useful for any graphic use

Compatibility: all rendering engines
File format: JPG

This specific package, Rugby backgrounds, can be used for personal and commercial use

  • Load these Rugby backgrounds on your website or blog. or social ((example: Facebook, Google plus etc) for release or for direct download from your website or your social page.
  • sell or distribute the Rugby backgrounds (modified or not) by themselves or in a pack, material, shader, scale modelling papers (pre-printed or digital), scrapbooking pack;
  • use the Rugby backgrounds in Second Life or any other Linden Lab product or service;
clicking on the link you will be redirected to our website. 
For download these textures, you need to register

Aug 24, 2016

Excellent Free HD Rivers Backgrounds,Wallpapers pack #1

Absolutely unique 8 images of Rivers HD Backgrounds / Wallpapers, with Trees, Clouds and Sky, useful for any project of computer graphics.

A big thank you to our exceptional photographers who engage to produce and update new graphic material, allowing us to constantly enrich our database of images and textures.

Click on the image below to download them 

( Note: you need to register
Free HD Rivers Wallpapers pack #1

free HD Rivers Backgrounds,Wallpapers pack #1 preview
free HD Rivers Wallpapers pack #1 preview

Aug 19, 2016

Free High Res panoramic Countryside Collection - pack 1

Free HD wallpapers background nature - Countryside Collection - pack 1
Amazing Free best collection of 6 High Res Panoramic backgrounds of italian Countryside, useful for any project of computer graphics.

Click on the image below to download them ( Note: you need to register
Free HD wallpapers background nature

Jun 9, 2014

House with pool visopt #31 Hdri, vismat & backgrounds

a big thank you to our friend Eduardo Belonio  ( You can contact him by clicking here Edbelonio Konstruct )  that today, he shared with us the Visopt vray for sketchup of his version of the House with pool by Ronen Bekerman (Here you can also download the 3d model)

The file also contains hdri used in the scene, vray vismat water and a folder with  8 backgrounds with resolution 4368 x2192 pixels

Password  31visopt

NOTE : the password to extract the file, must be typed, do not copy and paste
house with pool #vray render by Edbelonio Konstruct
8 backgrounds with resolution 4368 x2192 pixels
you can not upload this job on your website or on your blog

May 17, 2014

Hdri link collection free resources

the collection will be updated whenever we find new resources

Fantastic web site 160really great
free Hdr sky maps in 4k resolution
you must register to download

really great resorces free 150  Hdri resolution 15.000 x 7.500
not need to register

67 images Hdri maps  Great Resources resolution  10,000 5,000
maps for indoor, outdoor, and skies
the date hereof there is no need to register

May 12, 2014

Floating House visopt #30-vismat ,hdri and background

a big thank you to our friend Eduardo Belonio that today, he shared with us the Visopt of this night scene of his version of the Farnsworth House, set on the water, which he surnamed Floating House

The file also contains HDRI used in the scene, the material vray vismat water with displacement and a folder with 14 backgrounds with resolution 4368 x2192 pixels
Password  30visopt
Note : the password to extract the file, must be typed, do not copy and paste

vray 1.6  render by Eduardo belonio 

May 8, 2013

Mar 9, 2013



Feb 24, 2013


panoramic sky 360°
 a tribute to our dear follower

Jan 22, 2013


panoramic sunsets sunrises
high-resolution images for your backgrounds
A big thanks to
for these beautiful 32  picture

backgrounds sky sunsets_sunrises
 this is an example of the type of image