We are delighted to announce the 3D challenge for August 2014, with a huge thanks to Romain Demerville for allowing us to use his wonderful 3d model.Minimalist Modern Eco House, is a project that perfectly interprets the architectural trends of recent years: concrete, stone, wood, large glass window "plein air" effect, simple geometric shapes, but very well balanced that return a stylish image worthy of a great designer.
Here are some views of the 3D model, extracted from sketchup, in jpg format
panoramic view
Right side view 1
Right side view 2
view of left side
Right side view 3
view of left side 2
RULES1# Anyone can participate, as long as they joined the group 3D CHALLENGE , you can use any rendering engine; there will be no distinction between one rendering engine and another
2# You can replace the textures, but does not change the architectural structure . You can add any personal detail, furniture, vegetation, background, atmosphere you want, in order to give a distinguishing mark of your own.
3# Maximum number of render for each author is 2; minimum resolution of 1600x900
NOTE all works that do not comply will be excluded from the final competition
4# Those images that will be considered valid will be the artworks included in the official album HERE. NOTE: Please, include in the album only your final render
5# When uploading your 3d artwork, you must provide the following information : name - surname - rendering engine used - nation ATTENTION: in the absence of this information the works will be excluded from the final competition.
6# Each art work must carry the logo of the group "3D CHALLENGE" that was included in the download
7# The final date of submission of entries, is September 15, 2014 at midnight Italian time
IMPORTANT NOTE : If competitors share their work, on any Facebook page or website, are required to specify that a job is "3D Challenge" contest, with the link. reference. Otherwise, they will be excluded from the challenge.
example correct presentation of the works
IMPORTANT NOTE : If competitors share their work, on any Facebook page or website, are required to specify that a job is "3D Challenge" contest, with the link. reference. Otherwise, they will be excluded from the challenge.
example correct presentation of the works
available in sketchup 8, the logo "3d challenge", and the rules of the contest
The start to the popular vote, will be announced, as always, at the end of the challenge
you will be given 3 days to vote. The popular vote determines the 10 finalists chosen by the public
The 10 art work selected by popular vote, added to the 10 artworks selected by admins ,
you will be given 3 days to vote. The popular vote determines the 10 finalists chosen by the public
The 10 art work selected by popular vote, added to the 10 artworks selected by admins ,
will constitute the list of TOP 20 best entries.
Finally The Technical jury will select 3 winners in the list of top 20 best entries : first, second and third place
Method of evaluation of the technical jury :
Realism 25 pts
Composition 25 pts
Lighting and texturing 25 pts
overall impact 25 pts

1# the contest is sponsored by Sketchup Texture and Sketchup Artists.org
To the first place winner 3D competition SketchUpArtists.org will assign one of their exclusive black T-Shirts bearing the SketchUpArtists logo ! So hurry and get your entries in now to get the opportunity to get your hands on one of these rare T-Shirts, last seen at SketchUp Basecamp
To the first place winner 3D competition SketchUpArtists.org will assign one of their exclusive black T-Shirts bearing the SketchUpArtists logo ! So hurry and get your entries in now to get the opportunity to get your hands on one of these rare T-Shirts, last seen at SketchUp Basecamp
2# We will promote the top 20 finalists, through Sketchup Texture web site with nearly 10,000,000 visits,and through Sketchup Texture google plus whit over 224,000,000 visits, will allow you to have a great international visibility. Furthermore, we anticipate that, for the challenges ahead, there will be further great news ^-^
3# Equal publicity and visibility, will be given on our corresponding facebook page and that of SketchUpArtist's official Facebook page ... so massive pubblicity!
In addition , being awarded the title 3D Challenge winner is most certainly a great thing for your portfolio.
4# With the comparison of challenge works using the same theme allows you to learn from those who have already gained a greater knowledge of rendering techniques giving you the opportunity to improve your performance and skills, and this will be a substantial gain for your future.
5# Let not the material prize be the motivating factor here, rather the spirit of challenging ourselves through excellence and sharing. Through this you can eam the biggest prize....The knowledge and the
respect !
Best of luck to all !!
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